Cosmania 2011, Philippines (Photo Pimps)

Hi guys! Sorry for being tardy with my updates here. Been just so busy with life and suffering from Post Event Syndrome now. For those who follow TheCosplayChronicle's fb page, you'll know I went over to Philippines and attended Cosmania last weekend.294306_10150316021209514_637584513_7871509_2031898619_n

I'm sorry to say I dedicated my Saturday to touring the city and only attended the event on Sunday. But what I saw on Sunday was definitely an Eye-Opener.

The event itself was awesome and I wish I could have more time to explore and cover it. But as I was in full cosplay garb myself, it proved to be really difficult. Was having trouble bringing the camera around because I forgot to sew my sleeves up ^^;

So check out Z3ll's photography page or Flickr for Event and Cosplay pictures!


Overall, I really like what the organisers did at the event. It was easy to see why it is considered one of the biggest and best Cosplay Event in Philippines.

Not only was it host to the fight for the honour of being Philippine's representative at the Regional Cosplay Competition 2011. It also is host to a multitude of competitions that caters to a myriad of hobbyist such as Photography Competition and Costume Building Competition.

And like what my Filipina friend, Sese says, "Filipinos hate dead air" so their stage has something happening all-the-time. I'm someone who dreads seating still *coughADHDcough* but the performances put up by the Filipinos made us forgot about time!


As Philippines is a big country unlike Singapore, all the representatives have to go through a rigorous round of elimination to be standing where they are, representing their state. I can only imagine the amount of pride they each have.

6207185484_f500696cbf_oI've learnt a lot looking at their Cosplay competition. The amount of passion and vigour each team poured out overwhelmed me so much that at one point I even felt like crying. Darn, those people makes me feel so lousy about myself xD! And now I feel like starting an event of my own!


After you took that photo with Pinky beside the stage, it was my turn with the guests. Then I looked for you but I guess you guys went ahead for the spa already. (T_T) Dang! I missed taking a photo with you. (T_T)
Kai kuchiki said…
I'm glad you were still able to tour Manila on Saturday even though 'twas stormy.:)
(but I wasn't able to go to cosmania that day so..>.>, I hope I can meet you in the Philippines or in Singapore! )
z3LL said…
Nice seeing you guys again ^^
and thanks for the photo pimp!
Chai: Ahhhh gomen ne , we were really rushing for time T_T

Kai Kuchiki: Come for AFA ^^?

Z3LL: pleasure's all mine! See u soon ^^!!!
Kai kuchiki said…
@kaika: I won't be able to go this year or next year i think...>.> I still got school work so..DXX maybe sometime later.^^,

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