MOTD: Shingeki no Kyojin [Spoiler Alert!]

MOTD: Musing Of The Day

I’ve decided to add a new section to TheCosplayChronicles to share interesting Anime, Manga, Cosplay and Pop-Culture related stuffs from the internet. If you have something cool to share, feel free to either email me at elpheal[a] or post on TCC’s facebook page! Remember to leave your name & website so I can credit you as the one who suggested it =) !


I’m a little late but I just finished all 25 episode of Shingeki no Kyojin and my heart is overflowing with feelings of wretchedness, regrets on behalf of the characters, sadness and a bunch of other adjectives my head cannot think of now. So these few SNK artwork seemed like an appropriate post.

All these artworks belong to their respective artist, I claim no credit!

snk__tired_by_gun_destiny-d6lhurv (1)

SnK: Tired 

Drawing by: Gun-Destiny :icongun-destiny:

SnK: Attack on Heichou~! 

Drawing by: Fiveonthe :iconfiveonthe:

touching moment 

Drawing by: orichie :iconorichie:


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